2010, to put it mildly, sucked. Big time. I lost my job, lost my lovely mother-in-law, lost much of the use of my hands, and gained an ALS diagnosis. Delightful.
Self-portrait with Support Team |
I have tried to turn the finite and the adverse into pluses wherever I can: varying degrees of success, but always trying.
So that's how I've been saying good-bye to 2010, sending the sucker out with a flourish and a fanfare. I did up Christmas in a big way. All the decorations, all the tchotchkes, all the gifts for kids & grands. I baked cookies. I made candy. I had guests over for a traditional roast beef dinner (with plum pudding to boot). I created a new painting for my husband and started another for myself. I've made lunch plans with friends, Big City adventure plans with other friends. I am doing as much as I can while I can.
I don't know how long that will last.
I don't know what 2011 will bring, but I have hope. Practicality, too, and planning, and awareness, because I know full well what "progressive disease" means. So that whatever comes, I am sure it will not arrive with the devastating surprise and shock of 2010's events. At least, not as much.
I think....
Happy New Year to all. May 2011 treat you with kindness.
Beautiful post. Me too - recently diagnosed. I feel the same as you about 2010, and am hopeful for 2011 but still..... The progressive thing is a damper